Clarification of a KB - COVID vaccine (SARS CoV mRNA) implications.

Human immune system had a certain limit. It is generally effective in dealing with most common viruses which affect human body. Coronavirus was designed in a way that it was not possible by naturally available human immune system to overcome it. So for a vaccine to be effective it had to cross the limit of human immune system.

Now where can we found a immune system which is stronger than human being? The answer was that we can see a stronger immune system available in certain species like Lions and Tigers. Their immune system is much stronger than human being and they are not affected by Coronavirus.

So the main function of the vaccine was to extend the limit of the human immune system and make it stronger like a Lion’s immune system. As a result human being won’t be affected by coronavirus and thus remain alive. 

The solution though sounds perfect and attractive it had a terrible cost. For the immune system to become like Lion’s immune system the vaccine had to change many things in human body including brain and blood.

Human blood generally lot thinner than those animals such as Lions and Tigers. Corona vaccine function to coagulated the human blood to those animals to make immune system stronger. As a result the blood density increases which is also responsible for the modification of human brain. 

If the blood becomes thicker and condensed in nature then overall energy level also increases to those animals and you find a need to do physical work like increases in your sexual desire and drive.

Because of the modification in your blood the brain also starts to change slowly and turns to that of a Lion’s brain. You slowly loose your human characteristics and become more like animals. Your intelligence level suffers and you loose your sense of love and become a sex hungry animal. 

Like animals you don’t have any morals, values and ethics and your emotional intelligence diminishes. You become physically stronger and cunning to catch your hunting. 

There is more. The children born from parents who took 3 or 4 shots of the vaccine comes with genetic modification, plasma level modification like modified chromosomes and with a animal equivalent brain. Not only their characteristic and emotion and behavior but also with physical modification. Some examples are animal like hair in their entire body as they grow up like a furry sheep and even addition of a tail as they grow up and become older. Modified teeth to eat semi cooked meats (they will dislike vegetables), changes in the shape of the ear and mustache etc. The resulting senerio is quite terrifying. Most of these children are still 2-3 years old so result will be visible very soon.

It was a crime against humanity who brought this vaccine in the world and it will end by the extinction of human life-form and planet earth. 




















You unitedly tortured me,
You unitedly gave me punishment which I never deserved,
You unitedly saw me suffering in intolerable pain and agony but no one protested. Some people supported them, others remained silent.
You unitedly disrespected me,
You unitedly insulted me,
You unitedly humiliated me,
You unitedly fucked and killed all my lovers.
I can understand all of these behaviors and activities because an inferior creation suppose to do things like that. Now it’s time that you get the appropriate result for your work collectively.
I’m disqualifying entire human species for my love. You can’t be and shouldn’t be loved anymore. This also means NO children from me. This single decision is sufficient and it will remain valid till my death.















No matter what you do…

No matter how hard you try…

No matter how long you try…

I’ll NOT allow any Bangladeshi people to come into my life.

This is my life and this is my decision and it will remain valid as long as I’m alive and even after death.



















Shame on you ABC News and Taylor Swift.

Debate should have been hosted by Fox News and she needs to change her boyfriend.























Those who commit crime and those who support it both are equally guilty and
they have to face the consequences for their deeds.
Clarification of communication related decisions :
I believe freedom of communication is a must for progress, truth and justice. When communication freedom is absence then progress hampers, liars rules and truth and justice not prevail. It is difficult to know the facts and confusion & misunderstanding prevail.
At present I don’t have any meaningful 37 or foreign communication access. It is classified as highly confidential and top level secret. Some examples are that I have 0 follower on Twitter and Instagram. No one can add me as a friend on Facebook.
Some directional mal-communication reaches me which I cannot respond or I have to delete them.
My position on this issue is very clear. Either everyone will be able to communicate without restriction or hindrance or no communication will take place at all.
Under these circumstances I’m suspending all 35, 36, 39 and local communications. No responses will be given to them and they will be deleted. This decision takes effect immediately.













You tried to torture me but ended up torturing yourself…

You tried to hurt me but ended up hurting yourself…

You tried to punish me but ended up punishing yourself…

You tried to keep me down but ended up keeping yourself down…

You tried hard to defeat me but ended up defeating yourself badly…

Now there is nothing left between us and we are all moving towards our inevitable…


















We protest Bangladesh governments suppressive measures to block all basic utility services including water supply, cooking gas, electricity, satellite television service, internet access etc. We can assure that our confidence remains high and those who are responsible for this mayhem will have to face the consequences. There will be no deal, discussion or negotiation with the criminals. We also suspend all local communication (35 and 36) until situation resolved. We encourage US and UK military forces to intervene into Bangladesh’s critical situation as soon as possible before me and other foreign nationals lose their life or comes into harm’s way.





















I strongly believe that human beings are an inferior creation and I’m really proud that I’m not one of them.

















There will be no deal, negotiations, compromise etc. You have to pay by the price of your life for the crimes that you have done to me, to yourself and to women and children. There is no escaping. There is nowhere to go. This is the only solution. #PaybackTime.



















A dirty and ugly country ——> Bangladesh.  

Properties of Bangladeshi people ———> Liar, Evil, Corrupted, Nasty mentality, Polluted, Mean-minded, Cruel, Dishonest and Criminal.

Contra indicated for “Children - Dream Version”.






