A dirty and ugly country ——> Bangladesh.
Properties of Bangladeshi people ———> Liar, Evil, Corrupted, Nasty mentality, Mean-minded, Cruel, Dishonest and Criminal.
Donald J. Trump 🇺🇸 News
Do you agree with Elon Musk saying Kamala Harris is unfit and unqualified to be president?
YES or NO?
David Bergman
This is what the Bangladesh government and its supporters have said over the last 15 years: "Our elections are free and fair". A lie. "We have freedom of speech in Bangladesh". A lie. "We do not secretly detain and disappear people" A lie. "Our courts are independent." A lie. "The opposition are terrorists." So many lies. And now in response to the current killings by law enforcement authorities (current confirmed number: 155) and the resulting violence by the protestors, the authorities are lying again.
Internal KB
We believe US President Joe Biden should declare an early general election (maybe in the last week of August). The corruption mechanism running there indicates that same group which tried to kill Donald Trump told Biden to withdraw from general election and nominate Kamala Harris. They are also responsible for Biden’s degrading health conditions and President could lose his life if he doesn’t listen to them. They are operating from inside and they have access to many things. There is a strong possibility that they (same group) could tell Biden to resign immediately and nominate Kamala Harris as the president before election. If that happens then democracy at US will be at risk and a portion of military and foreign forces will run the US government then. Election may not happen at all or it will not be a free and fair election. A catastrophic disaster for US and entire world.
Source: Lunar Technical Team.
I strongly believe that human beings are an inferior creation and I’m really proud that I’m not one of them.
Speaker Mike Johnson
President Biden’s proposal to radically overhaul the U.S. Supreme Court would tilt the balance of power and erode not only the rule of law, but the American people’s faith in our system of justice.
This proposal is the logical conclusion to the Biden-Harris Administration and Congressional Democrats’ ongoing efforts to delegitimize the Supreme Court. Their calls to expand and pack the Court will soon resume.
It is telling that Democrats want to change the system that has guided our nation since its founding simply because they disagree with some of the Court’s recent decisions. This dangerous gambit of the Biden-Harris Administration is dead on arrival in the House.
It is your human rights to be able to talk to me.
It is your human rights to know the truth.
It is your human rights not to be fooled by them anymore.
It is your human rights to prove that you are not an inferior creation.
It is your human rights to not let them touch you who don’t respect women.
It is your human rights to stand against those who don’t treat women as a human being.
It is your human rights to open 37 communication access for me so that you can know the unknown and untold that exist.
It is your human rights to declassify the confidentiality law about me.
It is your human rights to know what is unknown to you and be free. A freedom that you cannot perceive or infer yet.
I’ve always done my part very well and I’m very satisfied about what I’ve done so far. I can neither win nor can be defeated by you. I came here to make you the winner. Now do your part so that you can win in the end.
Boycott Olympic.
Neogeo Max 330 Mega
Pro - Gear Spec.
Those who commit crime and those who support it both are equally guilty and they have to face the consequences for their deeds.
There will be no deal, negotiations, compromise etc. You have to pay by the price of your life for the crimes that you have done to me, to yourself and to women and children. There is no escaping. There is nowhere to go. This is the only solution. #PaybackTime.
No matter what you do…
No matter how hard you try…
No matter how long you try…
I’ll NOT allow any Bangladeshi people to come into my life.
This is my life and this is my decision and it will remain valid as long as I’m alive and even after death.
Clarification of communication related decisions :
I believe freedom of communication is a must for progress, truth and justice. When communication freedom is absence then progress hampers, liars rules and truth and justice not prevail. It is difficult to know the facts and confusion & misunderstanding prevail.
At present I don’t have any meaningful 37 or foreign communication access. It is classified as highly confidential and top level secret. Some examples are that I have 0 follower on Twitter and Instagram. No one can add me as a friend on Facebook.
Some directional mal-communication reaches me which I cannot respond or I have to delete them.
My position on this issue is very clear. Either everyone will be able to communicate without restriction or hindrance or no communication will take place at all.
Under these circumstances I’m suspending all 35, 36, 39 and local communications. No responses will be given to them and they will be deleted. This decision takes effect immediately.
Son of a bitch ——> Mark Zuckerberg
Extinction Procedures (Technical Details) :
The following internal Knowledge Base published under orders from Sun’s authority.
The Earth where we live is a part of the Sun. It is created from the Sun itself. Deep beneath the surface of the Earth (at about center middle point) there exist a hydrogen fusion reactor same as many fusion reactors found in Sun. The temperature there is extremely high and materials like Uranium and Plutonium exist in liquid and gaseous volumes which are used to run the fusion process.
We know the mechanism and operation of an Electric Motor. There are two magnetic poles there called North Pole and South Pole which is created by placing two magnets inside the Electric Motor. There are copper coils between this two magnets. When we apply electricity through this copper coils then the coils moves in circles due to varying electromagnetic fields inside Electric Motors.
Same procedure is used to move earth on its own axis. Own axis circular movement is NOT done by gravitational force but movement around Sun is done by gravitational field.
The earths circular movement around its own axis is done by the hydrogen fusion process exist deep beneath the surface of Earth at the center middle point. We know there are two poles exist in earth also that is the North Pole and the South Pole. These are actually two gigantic pieces of magnets placed at Arctic and Antarctica regions. There is a huge conductive material like copper coils connecting this two magnets throughout the middle of the Earth. From the center point the fusion reactor supplies electricity throughout this conductive material and it moves in circles due to massive electromagnetic fields created between north and south poles resulting earths circular movement around its own axis.
For the extinction process to occur I need to stop this fusion reaction process. It will be done by placing a single drop of Plutonium material found on my main spirits Hydrogen reactor. It is the authentication mechanism and this single drop is sufficient to overpower and overheat the entire reactor. In one minute time the reactor will explode and electricity supply will stop on the huge conductive material connecting north and south pole of earth. At an instant earth will stop moving on its own axis resulting breaking down from the center point throughout the middle of the earth. The earth cracks in two and we fall out in the space.
I have this one minute time to escape from center of earth to hyperdrive gateway in space. Thus gets free in another space and time with my Childrens.
Other human beings also get their freedom in the real world outside this testing environment. We can be together once again ( except me) and our existence becomes endless.
Internal Knowledge Base:
Published under orders from Sun’s leaders.
We have intel that Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has been slow poisoned since he took office few months ago. The head cook has been bribed by Asha’s boyfriend and they have contract to give Prime Minister and his family food mixed with some kind of mental drugs with brain controlling /thought and mind modifying functions. All of Prime Minister and his families food has been slow poisoned till now and they lost themselves and suffered very badly by other people specially Prime Minister's wife paid heavy price.
Army Chief knew all of this but kept it a secret and told Asha’s boyfriend to continue. That is the reason that he is still in no. 10 now. To secure his place there Asha’s boyfriend brainwashed Elizabeth and also established physical relations with her. So she is also involved in the corruption process now.
Asha's boyfriend also directed Major and Stella to give me same kind of mental drugs with brain and mind controlling and thought altering functions. They have contract with my maid and through her they served these dangerous drugs to my food.
Asha’s boyfriend now blackmailing even the Army Chief saying that he will tell everyone about this if Army Chief removes him from no.10 or took any actions against him. As I know all of this they are planning to kill me now so everything remains secret.
For immediate release:
Published under orders from Sun’s leader.
As I get to know Asha’s boyfriend corruption process regarding Prime Minister Starmer and many other things, they are planning to rape and hijack me now from my house. For this purpose they have disabled my dining room’s security camera. Elezabeth bailed Asha’s boyfriend from prison and they are together planning for this.
They also lied to Prime Minister Starmer about me so that he doesn’t talk to me and thus doesn’t know anything about their planning and criminal activities. So Elezabeth also involved with this crime.
Richard and Asha also involved in Asha’s boyfriend bail from prison and they also know about these criminal activities.
End of KB.
