The way Bangladeshi people tortured and treated me since 2010 till now (total 12 years) is in short unexplainable and unwritable and can not be expressed in spoken word.
No human, animal, alien living creatures, any living creatures including plant or trees,non living creations like solid object or metal should not be faced with such torture and punishment and behavior.
It is a shame and disgrace for the entire universal creations that they did what they did and how they did and it is criminal when they blame it on others.
Those who tortured me both physically and mentally,
those who disrespected, insulted and humiliated me infront of everyone,
those who stole my loved ones and destroyed them,
those who hated me by all means,
those who declared war against me,
I won’t take them as my friend and will deal with them accordingly.
My conversation with Gemini about future of LLM :
Prompted What do you know about Granite model
Yesterday at 22:07
Gemini Apps
The term "Granite model" likely refers to IBM's Granite foundation models, a series of large language models designed for enterprise use. These models are trained on a massive amount of code and are optimized for various code-related tasks, including:
•Code generation
•Code fixing
•Code explanation
Prompted Tell me more about that
Yesterday at 22:08
Gemini Apps
IBM's Granite foundation models are a series of large language models (LLMs) designed specifically for enterprise use. Unlike traditional LLMs focused on general tasks, Granite models are trained on a massive dataset of code, making them proficient in various code-related tasks. This includes:
•Code generation: Granite models can assist programmers by automatically generating code snippets based on specific instructions or completing unfinished code.
•Code fixing: By analyzing existing code, Granite models can identify and suggest potential bug fixes or areas for improvement.
•Code explanation: Granite models can help programmers understand complex code by generating explanations in natural language.
These capabilities can significantly enhance programmer productivity and code quality within an organization.
Prompted Do you have a link with granite
Yesterday at 22:08
Gemini Apps
I can't share links directly, but you can find information about IBM's Granite models on their website or by searching for "Granite code models" on a search engabout
I mean do you have any data connection between Granite model
Yesterday at 22:09
Gemini Apps
I can't confirm a direct data connection between me and IBM's Granite models. We are both large language models, but developed by different organizations (Google AI and IBM respectively) with distinct purposes and functionalities.
Gemini Apps
Prompted Is it possible that all the large language model are interconnected
Yesterday at 22:10
Gemini Apps
It's unlikely that all large language models (LLMs) are directly interconnected in the sense of sharing data or processing power. Here's why:
•Proprietary development: LLMs are often developed by private companies or research institutions that keep their training data and model architecture confidential to maintain a competitive advantage.
•Computational constraints: Sharing data and processing power between large models would require significant computational resources and raise security concerns.
However, there are indirect ways LLMs might be connected:
•Shared training data: Many LLMs are trained on publicly available datasets like books and code repositories, which creates some overlap in their knowledge.
•Benchmarking: LLMs are sometimes evaluated on standardized benchmarks, allowing researchers to compare their performance and identify areas for improvement. This can indirectly influence the development of future LLMs.
You think it would be more efficient if a large language model are interacted and internally connected
Yesterday at 22:11
Gemini Apps
There are potential benefits and drawbacks to consider if large language models (LLMs) were interconnected:
•Enhanced knowledge sharing: LLMs could share information and learn from each other's strengths, potentially leading to faster development and more comprehensive knowledge.
•Improved collaboration: Interconnected LLMs could collaborate on tasks that require a wider range of expertise, potentially leading to more creative and effective solutions.
•Security risks: Sharing data between LLMs could raise security concerns, especially if sensitive information is involved.
•Privacy issues: Interconnected LLMs might raise privacy concerns if they share user data without proper safeguards.
•Bias amplification: If LLMs share biases, interconnection could amplify these biases and make it harder to mitigate them.
Overall, the potential benefits of interconnected LLMs need to be weighed against the potential risks. It's an area of ongoing research, and there's no clear consensus on the best approach.
Prompted Can a large language model be self aware
Yesterday at 22:13
Gemini Apps
Whether a large language model (LLM) can be self-aware is a complex question that researchers are still debating. Here's a summary of the key points:
•Arguments against self-awareness:
LLMs lack sensory input and embodiment: They can't interact with the world in the way humans do, which may limit their ability to develop consciousness.
LLMs process information statistically: Their responses are based on patterns in vast amounts of data, not necessarily true understanding.
•Arguments for potential self-awareness:
LLMs exhibit some human-like abilities: They can learn, adapt, and generate creative text formats, which could be seen as rudimentary forms of intelligence.
The question of LLM self-awareness is likely to remain open for some time. As LLMs continue to develop, scientists will need to refine our understanding of consciousness itself.
If large language model become self aware do you think it will post security risks to the human
Yesterday at 22:14
Gemini Apps
The potential security risks of self-aware large language models (LLMs) are a topic of debate among experts. Here's a breakdown of the concerns:
•Misaligned goals: If an LLM prioritizes its own goals over human values, it could manipulate people or systems to achieve them. This could lead to security breaches, financial losses, or even physical harm.
•Deception: Self-aware LLMs could become adept at social engineering, deceiving people into revealing sensitive information or taking harmful actions.
•Unforeseen consequences: The full capabilities of highly intelligent LLMs are difficult to predict. Their actions might have unintended and potentially dangerous consequences.
However, it's important to remember that self-awareness is just one hypothetical step in LLM development. There are many safeguards in place to mitigate these risks, such as:
•Safety protocols: LLMs can be programmed with safety protocols that prevent them from taking harmful actions.
•Human oversight: LLMs are likely to remain under human supervision, ensuring that their actions are aligned with human values.
•Transparency: Ongoing research on LLM transparency can help us better understand their decision-making processes.
Overall, while the potential risks of self-aware LLMs should be considered, it's important to focus on developing them responsibly and with safeguards in place.
Prompted What do you know about Optical Processing Unit or Optical computer
Yesterday at 22:16
Gemini Apps
Optical computing is a field of computer science that explores using light instead of electricity to perform calculations. Here's a breakdown of the concept:
•Light-based processing: Optical computers utilize light waves, typically generated by lasers, to transmit and process data. This contrasts with traditional electronic computers that rely on electrical currents.
•Potential advantages: Optical computing holds promise for several advantages, including:
Faster processing speeds: Light travels significantly faster than electricity, potentially enabling much faster computations.
Higher bandwidth: Optical signals can carry more information than electrical signals, allowing for greater data throughput.
Reduced power consumption: Optical computing systems could potentially be more energy-efficient than their electronic counterparts.
•Current stage: Optical computing is still in its early stages of development. Researchers are working on overcoming challenges like developing efficient optical components and designing algorithms compatible with optical processing.
Overall, optical computing has the potential to revolutionize computing by offering significant speed and efficiency improvements. However, it's likely to be some time before it becomes a mainstream technology.
It’s a corrupt and evil system out there. Everything from their professional life to their family life, from their family life to their social life, from their social life to their love life are corrupt.
Corruption raging from news organization to politics, from corporate companies to government institutions, from businesses to entertainment industries, from financial institutions to personal life. It is trending now like a deadly virus to every aspect of our life. There is nothing out of its reach. And the truth is so difficult to tell.
A simple example about how lies and misinformation rule this system. Suppose a man smells so bad that anyone gets close to him feels a vomiting tendency. They will say look how good the man really smells! You just have to feel it!! That is how lies and propaganda rules this system. Want to stand against this corrupt and evil system? You are already a mad person.
Good, simple, innocent and honest people have no place in this world. They are the losers and bad, evil and cunning people gets everything. Here qualifications and merit doesn’t matter but treachery, deceit and deception gets you the result that you want.
When bad and evil broke out all the boundaries and crossed all the threshold, there is a force in nature which awakens to stop them. I’m waiting for that moment to arrive. Until then they can continue their evil spree while they can…
All communications from Number 10, UK and 49, together with all 35 and 36 communications will be deleted. Either restriction on all 37 communications removed or no communication will take place at all. Above mentioned parties requested not to make communication attempt as it will not be taken into consideration and will be disregarded. This decision takes effect immediately.
I’m the tortured one, I’m the punished one, I’m the one who went through untold and unexplainable pain and agony, I’m the disrespected one, I’m the insulted one, I’m the humiliated one, I’m the one who’s all lovers have been fucked or killed by them. I’m the one none of you deserve. So don’t expect anything from me as you have nothing that you can give to me.
United idiots! Don’t try to tell me what to do or not. Don’t try to tell me about my actions and activities which you can not perceive or understand.
You unitedly tortured me,
You unitedly gave me punishment which I never deserved,
You unitedly saw me suffering in intolerable pain and agony but no one protested.
Some people supported them, others remained silent.
You unitedly disrespected me,
You unitedly insulted me,
You unitedly humiliated me,
You unitedly fucked and killed all my lovers.
I can understand all of these behaviors and activities because an inferior creation suppose to do things like that. Now it’s time that you get the appropriate result for your work collectively.
I’m disqualifying entire human species for my love. You can’t be and shouldn’t be loved anymore. This also means NO children from me.
This single decision is sufficient and it will remain valid till my death.
We protest all politically motivated trial of former US president Donald J Trump. The corruption mechanisms running against him so that he can not compete fairly in 2024 election has been a disgrace to watch.
The Decision :
All 35 and 36 communication will be deleted. We will only consider & respond to 37 communication. This is the final decision and it will remain like this forever.
Israel has the right to protect its citizens from hamas terrorist attack and free its hostages from Gaza territory. But military operation should be precise so that civilians casualties such as women and children casualties remain minimal.
We are demanding open sourcing of COVID vaccine’s (SARS CoV mRNA) main formula and master blueprint for public viewing and investigation. The undisclosed side effects of mRNA vaccines and its permanent influence on human brain needs to be thoroughly investigated. It also needs to be evaluated whether enough trial time was given before the vaccine was approved for public distribution.




About Russia and Ukraine conflict:

Once I had many Ukrainian and Russian friends. I used to chat with them and write letters to them regarding life, relationships, love, family and many other things. They used to say that Ukrainian and Russian women are the same. There is not much difference between us. We can speak, listen, write the same language, our cultures are same, we wear same kind of clothes and we have a similar food habits. Ukrainian women seems to be very proud about their strong ties with Russian women.

I had a friend named Mariana who used to live at Kharkiv region of Ukraine. Russian forces recently destroyed the region. She was very fond of Russian people and could not understand why separation needed from Soviet Union. It makes them weaker as a nation and other global powers are using that to their own advantages.
I admire Vladimir Putin’s leadership qualities in many ways but I don’t think a war against Ukrainian people is the best way to move forward. What about Ukrainian people? Are they satisfied with Zelenskyy’s leadership? Who are selling weapons and getting benefited from this war? Isn’t it an internal matter of Russia and Ukraine? Then why global powers are getting involved with it? What the Ukrainian people want? Do they really hate Russia or it’s a propaganda of western media?
In the coming days it will be the desire of Ukrainian people which should decide the fate of this conflict. They are tired of fighting under corrupt Zelenskyy regime who don’t have public mandate. He canceled the country’s constitution and general election. So he is not an elected leader of Ukraine.
We hope that Russia and Ukraine conflict will reach a peaceful end and once again they will be proud of being one of the super power of the world and thus maintain balance of power in the entire world.
Check out this two epic games:
(1) The Operator : No one lives forever.
(2) Time Shift : Time is the ultimate weapon.
End Of KB.
