You should be ashamed of yourself that you tortured me like an animal without any result.

















Their hand is filled with sins…

Their hand is filled with my blood…

Their hand is filled with my lover’s blood…

Evil is rising, curse is in the air…

No love but pollution of sex exist…

I can feel their bad smell from distance…

Ugly bird waiting…Crow dancing…signaling darkness in our civilization…

Tell me the meaning of giving up when I know they can not defeat me till the end?

Tell me the meaning of making deal with them when I know what will happen in the future?

Tell me the meaning of showing kindness to them when they didn’t even show me any mercy?

Tell me the meaning of giving love to them when they have returned only hard hatred?

Tell me the meaning of staying alive just to be killed by them?

But there is a reason if I use the option of destroying them. Because freedom for all is our destiny.
















For immediate effect:

It has been observed repeatedly that UK government’s pro-Indian wing hiring street thugs in Bangladesh and deploying them as co-op group. They are engaged in various criminal activities like kidnapping, harassing women, killing innocent people etc. Several of them apprehended by law enforcement agencies but later released by pressure from higher authority. So Bangladesh government is also involved with UK government’s India supported group and also allowing this criminal spree to continue. US government remains silent so far.

Under this circumstances we expect law and order situation in this country and entire world to deteriorate and my safety and security could be in harm’s way. So to protect people’s interest and national security we hope international community will take swift action to prevent further escalation of the situation.








I don’t use TikTok and I’m very satisfied that I don’t. It abuses women and violates children’s rights. Everyone should stop using it.
You tried to torture me but ended up torturing yourself…
You tried to hurt me but ended up hurting yourself…
You tried to punish me but ended up punishing yourself…
You tried to keep me down but ended up keeping yourself down…
You tried hard to defeat me but ended up defeating yourself badly…
Now there is nothing left between us and we are all moving towards our inevitable…












In these complex world of high political situations, rapid economic change and ups and down of global political picture requires journalism that is steadfast, true, courageous, understanding, just with characteristic like honesty, integrity, respect for human rights and respect for moral, values and ethics. In this world it is not easy to do that kind of journalism. As a leading news agency we expect Reuters to break tradition and leading the way to light. The light that must come against all darkness.












As far as I know, when a weaker creation in a civilization tortured and abused then that civilization moves towards extinction point. For human species or civilization the weaker part is women and children compared to men. But it is the women and children who provide love and affection without which men cannot live. Now when men don’t respect that contribution of weaker part and think that we will avail whatever we want by force then problem begins.
In this world you can avail many things by power and force like money, wealth, sex, fame etc. but you can never achieve love and affection using force. When men don’t respect the contribution of women and children in their life instead try to torture, abuse, cheat on them and try to get their love and affection by force and money then they not just destroy those women’s and children’s life but also their own life. This spread from family to society, society to community, community to country and country to entire world. Thus we are reaching the end point.
In conclusion when stronger creation respect and understand the contribution of weaker creation then that civilization flourishes and when they forget this lesson and try to acquire everything by force then extinction becomes unavoidable.
When Women ——> Product
When Women ——> Not Loved But Sold And Used
I don’t want to be like one of them ——> Walking around without a soul
So it’s my time to say ——> Goodbye.
7:04 AM
Human beings are an inferior creation…
I don’t love her but the way that old haggard man captured her makes me loose my sleep at night. It was so vicious, so treacherous, so evil, so full of lie and deception that I have lost my peace of mind. I know it’s not my business but I really feel sorry for that unfortunate woman. I can’t imagine how anyone can support that man through their song or other ways. Everyone should be cautious about them also. It was a defeat for love, justice, truth and the woman lost her husband and children and became a sex toy of the evil man. It was an act of insult against all children of the world. Her life destroys permanently and the damage is not recoverable. As a professional I get to know the details of the incident and I can only say we will not forget and forgive who have done this to one of our protected resource.
This world is not my home & I’m very proud of that because human being are an inferior creation…
No matter how hard you torture me…
No matter how long you torture me…
But there will be no deal and compromise with UK and Bangladesh government.
We will not show you any mercy like the way you did not show me.
Identical criminal authorities like number 10, co-op group and 59 will also face same consequences.
This remains valid no matter I’m alive or dead.
