UK government and number 10 have to pay the price for sheltering the criminals and for their own criminal works. We are postponing all types of cooperation and communication with them.
On Road To The Time Manipulation Program (TMP) :
We have seen many movies and TV shows relating to Time travel and so on. While imagining the possibilities is the way to go but to reach that point we need to work step by step.
At first we need to understand the relationship between Time and Mathematics. How different field of mathematics such as Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Limit of a function and Infinitesimal relates to Time and its application.
In computer programs we can shift from basic characters to more complex objects like 3D graphics and visual elements. To shift Time we need to devise algorithms based on this main concept.
We need to consider Time as a 4th dimension ( 4D ) object. We need to find the relation between the numerals ( from Base N to Complex number system) that ranges between hour, minute, second and even millisecond levels. How Time relates to our environment and nature. And every event that occurs within a certain time frame ( which could be a year, month, minute, second and so on) influenced by that time itself and its related to its numerical value.
Besides software part we need to consider some interstellar scenarios. We assume that nothing travels as fast as light between our world and inter space. We need to find a way to transfer object in light speed whether it’s a solid object or electromagnetic signal.
The information presented in this Knowledge Base topic is conceptual and greater advancement in science and technology is required to implement its application. The unknown that exists beyond our imagination is a challenge that we need to face in the future.
Requirement for “Children - Dream Version” :
Physical strength capability/compatibility ——> 87%
Mental, Emotional, Intellectual, IQ and EQ capability/compatibility ——> 97%
Result: Best possible creation with excellent intellectual, emotional compatibility.
Physical strength capability/compatibility ——> 94%
Mental, Emotional, Intellectual, IQ and EQ capability/compatibility ——> 89%
Result: Very good creation with a nice balance of physical and emotional/ intellectual compatibility.
Physical strength capability/compatibility ——> 94%
Mental, Emotional, Intellectual, IQ and EQ capability/compatibility ——> 87%
Result: Good creation with excellent physical capability.
Physical strength capability/compatibility ——> 94%
Mental, Emotional, Intellectual, IQ and EQ capability/compatibility ——> 82%
Result: Moderate creation but may suffer from emotional/intellectual compatibility.
Physical strength capability/compatibility ——> 75%
Mental, Emotional, Intellectual, IQ and EQ capability/compatibility ——> 84%
Result: Creation not possible due to physical strength capability factor.
Artificial fertilization:
Artificial method is not recommended. You can try but may produce undesirable results.
*All percentages are approximate and may slightly change from person to person.
Importance of “Children - Dream Version” :
“Children - Dream Version” is the next evolution for human race. According to prediction it will be a baby girl. So it’s a reason for celebration for women. Besides many enhancements and changes she will have the same physical strength as men. So it will not be possible for men to torture and dominate women which has been going on for so long. An end of violence against women such as rape.
The main purpose of this evolution is to create equal power between men and women in all areas of our life such as family, jobs, profession, society, politics etc. Besides physical strength she will also have strong IQ and EQ capabilities. She will never take any steps that is destructive for herself or for humanity. At the same time she will be able to understand why human being has a tendency of self destruction. So she will be able to take mitigating steps and prevent others from self destruction. As a result she will be very popular and a leader of others.
Our need to love and be loved often makes us vulnerable to people who are harmful for us. “Children - Dream Version” will be free from this limitation and will be able to prevent others from doing so.
Countless enhancements and changes will be applied to mental, intellectual and emotional state to mitigate problems that has been found so far in creator’s test and various circumstances or situations. We can call this a “limitless creation” with possibilities truly endless.
“Children - Dream Version” will bring a huge amount of positive energy and blessings for entire world. This could help in mitigating some of the biggest challenges of our time such as “Coronavirus crisis” and so on. “Children - Dream Version” will be my last responsibility here on earth. According to prediction, when its life begins, my life will end. So it will be the time to say goodbye to you all.
“Children - Dream Version” is far more advanced and powerful than me. All of humanity’s drawback, limitation and design issues will be corrected in this version. I hope it will fulfill the requirement of future generations and many generations to come. The survival of human race entirely depends on its success. Without "Children Dream version" extinction of human lifeforms and planet Earth is unavoidable.
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