<Collection of Tweet till Oct,2020>


I feel pity for you when I see that you are living with these thieves and I thank the god that I’m still single.
6:27 AM
· Oct 18, 2020


Thieves and Bitches both attacks me because I speak for innocent people. 6:37 PM · Oct 23, 2020


Review Conclusion:

Partial Extinction is required for successful evolution. It is also required to protect innocent life and to diminish thieves.
6:37 PM
· Oct 21, 2020


Relocation ——> 7 8:47 AM · Oct 13, 2020


My Personal Website is now online here: https://www.ishraq27.com 8:37 AM · Oct 11, 2020


ishraq27.joomla.com 9:27 AM · Oct 6, 2020


Your Potential / The Beyond – Flying Lotus

Love had a name, and I called it to you 7:10 AM · Sep 26, 2020


Operation CleanHeart Activation Initiated.... 6:37 AM · Sep 25, 2020



Main planner, initiator and implementation ----> 10

Helper----> Co-Op and 59,69
Assist----> Family and Govt

Truth, Fact, Evidence and key information holder ----> Stella (49) 7:37 AM · Sep 18, 2020



Approx. System End Time ——> Aug, 2021

Approx. Time Remaining ——> 11 Months 1:37 PM · Sep 17, 2020


7:37 AM
· Sep 13, 2020


(1/2) To win you have to....

Change the law and treaty.

Change or remove the “confidentiality chapter”.

Allow unrestricted 37 communication. 6:47 AM · Aug 29, 2020


(2/2) Take steps so that anyone can follow me on Twitter, add me on Facebook, send me personal email from any part of the world.

Always remember that freedom for ALL is your destiny.

The more freedom you provide, the more win you get in return. 6:47 AM · Aug 29, 2020


Why continue to defeat yourself? How can you win if you can’t start? 6:37 AM · Aug 29, 2020


Probable Solution: 3 : 10
3 : 49
2 : 48 ( 87 )

This solution ensures freedom for everyone. Uphold truth, prevail justice, while keeping the promise and maintaining moral and ethics.

Awaiting punishment for criminal activities: 41 ( Orange )
59 and 69

6:37 AM · Aug 15, 2020




The Decision :
All 35 and 36 communication will be deleted. We will only consider & respond to 37 communication. This is the final decision and it will remain like this forever.
7:47 AM
· Jan 23, 2020


No matter how hard you try,
No matter how long you try,
But there will never be another 25 or 26.
The mentality of 47 (specially men) needs to change or they have to face the consequences for their inability to act properly.

7:37 AM · Feb 25, 2020


I don’t care about your $1 unity.... 7:42 PM · Apr 7, 2020


You’ve done it wrong....
You’ve done it all wrong....
I just hope you live long....
To make it all right....
But I don’t know how much time we have.... 5:37 PM
· Jun 26, 2020


My light wasn’t enough to light up their dark dark soul. Now it’s our creator’s part to do whatever it takes to ensure evolution for human race. 7:37 AM · Jun 23, 2020


What is the meaning of going to 7 if you are not there for me? 7:10 AM · Jun 22, 2020


I don’t want to be like one of them, walking around without a soul. 7:02 AM · Jun 10, 2020


To understand your future, just remember what you have done to me so far.
1:07 PM
· May 28, 2020


The ruthless misuse of power by 9 has to stop now or else they have to face the consequences for their crime.
7:07 AM
· May 25, 2020


Bangali khankir jati. Bangalir shorile haramir rokto.

2:37 PM · May 21, 2020


It is not about you, me or us but our creator won’t let me....without.... Creator Controls Evolution....
2:49 PM
· May 8, 2020


Feeling small in the vastness of the universe and time. 2:47 PM · May 8, 2020


Those who trust me by their heart, pray to god so that I can keep your head high.
10:20 PM
· May 1, 2020


Genetic structure is the key for Coronavirus. It is the differentiating factor which determines who will survive and who will not make it through the Coronavirus.
7:47 PM
· Apr 30, 2020


Except 49, rest of the 9 are simply ANIMAL. I don’t consider them as human being.
1:37 PM
· Apr 23, 2020


_Can there be a peace between us? -Peace? No peace.
_What do you want us to do? -DIE....DIE....

7:44 PM · Apr 16, 2020


Unity of minds, unity of hearts, one sole sensation No longer a coincidence
Overwhelming energy, channeled
Through universal language allows

The personal legend to unfold. —— Roberto Concina
7:07 AM
· Apr 12, 2020


(1/2) What ever you do but never underestimate the value and importance of beauty.

Beautiful Mind, Beautiful Appearance, Beautiful Smell, Beautiful Environment, Beautiful Creation, Beautiful Behavior, Beautiful Souls, Beautiful Voice/Vocal, Beautiful Dreams, Beautiful Thoughts
7:07 AM
· Apr 10, 2020

(2/2)....Beautiful Action, Beautiful Relationship, & so on....

Our creator wants us to be beautiful in everything we do in our life. 7:07 AM · Apr 10, 2020


Cursed humanity....you are only facing the result of your deeds. 7:47 PM · Apr 7, 2020


I don’t care about your $1 unity.... 7:42 PM · Apr 7, 2020


Amelie & Julien ——> Symbol of future generation. 7:27 PM · Apr 7, 2020


Recommended Resident Evil Movies:

Resident Evil
Resident Evil: Apocalypse

Resident Evil: Extinction

Resident Evil: Afterlife
Resident Evil: Retribution

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 8:57 AM · Apr 2, 2020


We need to synthesize a cure for the Corona virus. Europe & America needs to work together for this.
Companies like Pfizer & Novartis have to work together in a integrated development system to synthesize the cure using Gnome technology.... 6:47 AM
· Mar 25, 2020


We need to go deep inside Corona virus to defeat it. (Gene based DNA/ RNA Seq.)
The virus is airborne and you can not contain it. It will spread all over the world. The only way is to invent the cure.

6:47 AM · Mar 25, 2020


you (47 men) are simply thief...nothing better than that...understand? 6:47 AM · Mar 21, 2020


It is the responsibility of this bitch nation that Kristina is not online today. It is because of them that it’s still not 27.

2:37 AM · Mar 9, 2020


I tried to show them the way. But none of my proposals were accepted. They put a blind eye on all my proposals. In the end they decided to put pressure on me.
I could not allow it to continue. So I took steps. More steps may be required depending on the situation.

8:47 AM · Mar 6, 2020


Intentionally turning off basic utility services such as electricity and water supply is a gross violation of human rights. I don’t believe their lame excuses.
5:47 PM
· Mar 3, 2020


Take me as a competitor or enemy, you will lose.
Take me as a friend, you will win.
Unlike you, I will never go after for your wife or loved one. I don’t like the idea of being a thief.
7:37 AM
· Feb 25, 2020


No matter how hard you try,
No matter how long you try,
But there will never be another 25 or 26.
The mentality of 47 (specially men) needs to change or they have to face the consequences for their inability to act properly.
7:37 AM
· Feb 25, 2020


jack (Twitter) ——> Son of a bitch

zuck (Facebook) ——> Son of a bitch 8:37 AM · Feb 22, 2020



Leaving Behind

Leaving behind
Without regrets but pleasant memories

What once was
We walk towards tomorrow ... free ... Listening, analysing, communicating Never forgetting
That meaningful signs always
Come from the heart

Writer(s): ROBERTO CONCINA 8:17 AM · Feb 18, 2020




Complicities roam the air Catching moments
So that the personal legend May become knowledge Communication
Through the universal language Writer(s): Roberto Concina 8:14 AM
· Feb 18, 2020


To the young European generation: do not give in to any bad wind, to no lie. See far, see wide, see farther than us.
—— Emmanuel Macron
6:47 AM
· Feb 9, 2020


The UK is leaving the EU on 31 January 2020. This will prove to be a dark chapter in the history of human race.
7:07 AM
· Feb 4, 2020


The Decision :
All 35 and 36 communication will be deleted. We will only consider & respond to 37 communication.
This is the final decision and it will remain like this forever.
7:47 AM
· Jan 23, 2020


They should never be forgiven for the sake of future generation, to prevail justice, to establish truth and to defeat evil.
7:47 AM
· Jan 13, 2020


7:07 AM
· Jan 10, 2020


An uncivilised country full of ugly, evil, bad, mean minded, rotten people.

They are so rotten that I can feel their bad smell from distance. (1/1) 6:47 PM · Jan 3, 2020


Laws are for the people, People are not for the laws.

If any law/treaty stands against humanity then it is time to change it. 8:47 AM · Dec 28, 2019


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to Everyone. Happy Holidays!
7:07 AM
· Dec 24, 2019


An ugly nation....Wasteland of heart....Rotten people 7:17 AM · Dec 20, 2019


My OneDrive public folder: https://1drv.ms/f/s! AnDqNvOGVdJwfEFdonqV9M_YKvA
8:37 AM
· Dec 17, 2019


"Let future generations understand the burdens and blessings of freedom. Let them say we stood where duty required us to stand."
—— George W. Bush
8:47 AM
· Dec 3, 2019


No meaningful or significant communication reaches me through communication medium.
I have 0 follower on Twitter and Instagram. No one can add me as a friend on Facebook.
Personal email sent from different parts of the world never reaches my inbox....
7:47 AM
· Nov 17, 2019


....Keeping me isolated is a great loss for humanity. It is also a violation of my human rights. In the name of secrecy it is a crime against humanity....

....Any people in any part of the world should be able to communicate with me without hindrance or restriction. But that is not the case.
Time has come to change this situation. Either everyone will be able to communicate flawlessly or no communication will take place at all.



Human quest to overcome death has been failed so far mainly due to our inability to regenerate vital energy. If after death somehow we can regenerate or transfer vital energy we may bring dead back to life. This will also solve the question of what happens after our death...

8:47 AM · Nov 11, 2019
...Development in life science and medical science could provide us a workaround in the future.



Objective of Prantik:
(1) Always fight for the good.
(2) Always fight against the bad. (3) Never stop fighting.
8:14 AM
· Nov 11, 2019


Will you be able to pass our creators test? If you can’t trust me this time, you will lose me forever. What will you do then?
7:49 AM
· Nov 2, 2019


Ever wonder why I cry sometime? Just never try to understand why. 7:47 AM · Nov 2, 2019


The people of this country doesn’t deserve my love after all they have done to me.
8:47 AM
· Nov 1, 2019


In the dark, coldest night I will rise and shine and give you warmth when everyone will be asleep.
7:47 AM
· Nov 1, 2019


My Angel....My Stella....Thank you for this memorable night.... 492

The Thief’s face —-> Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Instagram, Microsoft, Spotify, Google etc. and some portion of 47.


I don’t know what our creators plan or intention is but I do what I have to do. I never said that everyone has to believe me, everyone has to take me as a friend.
But if you could do it, you will win.
7:47 am
· 29 Oct 2019


I can take your sorrow. I can give you what you have been missing. You will never feel complete without me.
You will never be happy with someone else. You will never find it in others

what you can find in me. But if you can’t trust me this time you are leaving me forever.
8:49 am
· 25 Oct 2019

There is no one with me now. It’s absolutely void. It wasn’t easy but it has been kept like this for you.
There is also no one with you. There never really was. So there is nothing wrong between us now.

8:49 am · 25 Oct 2019

Two things I’ll not allow in the future. One is to cheat on someone and other is to ruin someone’s life.
7:49 am
· 25 Oct 2019

Is it okay to you if I’m with someone else? Watching me 24/7 with someone else, getting intimate with her?
Will you be able to take it easily? Or you will not allow it to continue? Will you interfere then?

7:49 am · 25 Oct 2019


The Thief —-> 47 7:44 am · 23 Oct 2019


If you could hold me and don’t let me fall that time you may not have to go through all this but you couldn’t believe me.
Will you be able to trust me now?
8:49 am
· 22 Oct 2019


Now I understand what you had undergone in these years. You couldn’t take it anymore in the end.
I wasn’t happy but I thank god that I didn’t have to undergo same as you did.

8:49 am · 22 Oct 2019



(1/2) If you are a woman and you love me then please don’t tell that to the men in your life such as husband, boyfriend, brother, relative etc. Because he will do whatever he can to keep me down, stands on my way, portrait me as a clown,

8:47 am · 8 Oct 2019

(2/2) make my life miserable and do everything so that you stop liking me anymore. It’s a proven fact.

Not all men are like that. There are some exception. KB102019.



Updated list for Netflix: Deadwind
Safe( Harlan Coben )

The Chalet

Better Than Us

The Invisible Guest

Lady J

The Ruthless
8:10 am
· 7 Oct 2019



Recommended movies on Netflix:

The Break
Border town


The Method

Troy: Fall of a city


Kidnapping Stella





I never felt uncomfortable in my life about how many people stands against me but I do think about the people who stands with me.
It is for them that the world will survive.
7:49 am
· 30 Sep 2019


I will remain single as long as I’m in this uncivilised country. 10:37 am · 28 Jun 2019


Leaving EU will prove to be harmful for Britain on many aspect... 8:37 pm · 2 Feb 2017


Tomorrow will come and they will be defeated and my freedom will finally come by leaving this hell country.
11:17 pm
· 9 Nov 2018


I hate Bangladesh and its evil, corrupted people. 9:17 am · 21 Aug 2018


Congratulations to France for their brilliant performance in the FIFA World Cup. #WorldChampion
11:17 pm
· 15 Jul 2018


It’s a pity that I wasn’t allowed to move to a country full of beautiful people. I had to stay in this hell. I don’t deserve this.
9:11 am
· 11 Jun 2018


No meaningful or significant communication reaches me through communication medium. Everyone is thinking about me, everyone is talking about me but no one is directly communicating with me.

I’m left alone and isolated. Just like a sick game! 7:37 pm · 8 May 2018


I can’t be happy as long as I’m in this country because there are lot of uncivilized people here who will turn off electricity, disconnect internet, create sound pollution by using heavy machinery near my house and do whatever it takes to make sure I’m not happy.

8:17 am · 11 Apr 2018


I must leave this country once and for all if I want to live a happy, fair,

progressive and fulfilling life. There is no environment here for basic or normal living and this situation will never change or improve.
8:17 am
· 14 Mar 2018


This is a fight for knowledge, development, truth, justice, beauty, freedom. This is a fight against bad, lies, superstition, unjust, uneducated, darkness. This is a fight for our future And this fight will continue as long as I’m alive. 8:27 am · 8 Feb 2018


7:47 pm
· 8 Jan 2018


Living in this country is like living in hell. Change of residence does not help much.

It’s just a repeat of the same story. 7:47 am · 27 Dec 2017


It is extremely difficult for me to do anything meaningful, significant or productive when this is still not declassified.
8:44 pm
· 26 Dec 2017


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all my friends, all over the world. 7:27 pm · 14 Dec 2017


No meaningful or significant communication reaches me through emails or social media.
Feeling disappointed...
8:27 am
· 9 Dec 2017


The bad, the ugly, the dirty, the evil and the dark forces does not hold the key to our future.
8:04 am
· 30 Nov 2017


I have around 40 friends on Facebook, 10 followers on Twitter, 4 followers on Instagram, 8 followers on Google+, 0 people added me on Snapchat & Skype.
Is this fair?

7:47 pm · 11 Nov 2017


When I say 27, I mean 27. There will be no 24,25,26,28,29.
This Is the justice & this Is my promise and the world will see this. 7:44 pm
· 5 Aug 2014


If any law and treaty stands against humanity then it's time to repeal/ replace/change that law/treaty. #Declassify
7:40 pm
· 14 Sep 2017


Law and treaties are for the greater interest of humanity.
If it stands against humanity then it's time to repeal/replace that law/ treaties.
7:44 am
· 7 Aug 2017


This is not a family affair. This is not intended for a limited number of people. This is for the entire world. #Declassify
7:40 pm
· 30 Jul 2017


It's a pity that I wasn't allowed to move to a place surrounded by beautiful people. I had to stay in this hell.

I don't deserve this. 8:47 am · 3 Jul 2017


I will only communicate with and respond to 37 communication. 8:27 am · 30 Jun 2017


After all this, I can only say that I hate 25 and 26 from the bottom of my heart.
8:27 am
· 25 Jun 2017


I'm only human after all but 59, 69 and Co-Op haven't treated me as a human.
8:27 am
· 18 Jun 2017


After all this, I can only say that I should be always angry, without any immediate reason, even when I sleep, even in my dream.
If I'm not it's my modesty.
8:44 am
· 5 Jun 2017


Thanks for the lovely letters from Colombia, China, Thailand, Vietnam & Philippines.
If possible I would reply to all of you. Love you all.
8:27 am
· 28 Apr 2017


Flooded with so much love from Russia & Ukraine.
If I had enough credit I would reply to all of you. God bless you all. 8:27 am
· 18 Apr 2017


There is no environment here for normal living.

7:17 pm · 21 Mar 2017


You can die anytime, it's living that takes courage. 7:10 pm · 11 Mar 2017


This is not a secret anymore. Let the light of truth shine.
The value of my life is greater than keeping it secret. #Declassify 7:04 pm
· 6 Mar 2017


If you don't want to directly communicate with me, that's ok but please don't send useless marketing emails.
7:10 pm
· 22 Feb 2017


Happy Valentine's Day 9:27 am · 14 Feb 2017


Leaving EU will prove to be harmful for Britain on many aspect... 8:37 pm · 2 Feb 2017


Change people in key positions. You need to accelerate this process. 11:04 pm · 29 Jan 2017

@realDonaldTrump. The Journey Begins... 12:37 am
· 21 Jan 2017


Merry Christmas Everyone! 8:37 am · 23 Dec 2016


Congrats to
@realDonaldTrump for winning the election. 2:37 pm
· 9 Nov 2016

Time Of Change - Truth 7:22 pm · 17 Dec 2015


No progress can be possible as long as I'm here. Too many problems, obstacles, distractions are here.
7:20 pm
· 17 Dec 2015


I can't describe in words the way they have tortured me till now. Anyone else would die by now.
6:47 pm
· 18 Sep 2015


Intentionally turning off electricity to torture me will not bring any result. I promise...
7:27 pm
· 4 Jun 2015


World watches as they intentionally turn off electricity to torture me... 7:07 pm · 2 Jun 2015


No electricity from 8 AM to 11 AM and then again from 7 PM to 12 AM. Getting sick on this very hot weather.
7:44 am
· 2 Jun 2015


Kill me fast... I can't take their torture any longer... 7:47 pm · 21 May 2015


World watches as they continue to torture me to death... 10:40 am · 13 May 2015


They have again started to torture me by turning off electricity. 6:19 pm · 11 May 2015


No electricity from 10AM to 5:30PM. 6:17 pm · 11 May 2015


No electricity for the whole night. Not feeling well... 7:17 pm · 25 Mar 2015


They are continuously torturing me by turning off electricity. I'm getting sick by their continuous torture. I need urgent help.
6:17 pm
· 18 Mar 2015


They are continuously torturing me by turning off electricity. I'm getting sick by their torture. I need help.
6:17 pm
· 12 Mar 2015


They are continuously torturing me by turning off electricity.
I may die by their torture but I will keep my promise as long as I am alive. 7:07 pm
· 2 Mar 2015


There are some ugly animal live below my floor and they continuously make sound...making my life miserable...
12:27 pm
· 24 Feb 2015


No electricity again from 9am to 6pm... 6:17 pm · 10 Feb 2015


Today there was no electricity from 10am to 5pm... 6:19 pm · 4 Feb 2015


Yesterday there was no electricity for 11 hours ( 9am to 8pm )... 6:16 pm · 4 Feb 2015


When I say 27, I mean 27. There will be no 24,25,26,28,29.
This Is the justice & this Is my promise and the world will see this. 7:44 pm
· 5 Aug 2014


<Beginning of Tweet>

