Truth Report

This document describes detail explanation of the incident happened to me till now. It contains important information regarding various incident and activities occurring in my life.


Key Points

The incident at 2010
The incident at 2011
The incident at 2014
Detail explanation of torture done to me till now.



Torture Key Point

Food torture
Toilet difficulties
During taking shower
Bathroom problem
Supply water flow control
Torture by insects
Torture by maid servant/cleaning people

Air Conditioner control

Washing machine control
The TV factor
Talking to mobile phone with speaker on
Microwave oven difficulties
Clothing cleaning problem
Torture by electricity control
Creating Generator malfunction
Water filter control
Hawker distraction/disruption
Kids playing and shouting outside my window (distraction/disruption)

Torture by Dogs
Torture by making sounds from below floor
Torture by making sounds from outside loudspeaker
Shouting and making sounds from houses outside my window
Train sound from nearby station
Sound by buses and trucks from nearby road
Qubee story
The misery of local internet access
Chinese restaurant fact

Agora-The Superstore

Security problems



Description Of Key Points

Food factor
Low quality chicken
Digestive problems due to excessive spices and peppers

Bad cooking (Without salt, burned food)
No balanced diet (Lack of proper vegetables,fish)



Toilet trouble
Creating inadequate water flow
Broken(intentionally created) toilet fittings
Creating Lowdown/Flash malfunction
Creating shortage of toilet tissues
Creating basin malfunction-Blocking draining of water from basin

Someone pre-occupy the toilet when it's my time to go there



Shower problem
Creating insufficient hot water-difficult to take shower in winter

Insufficient water flow


Supply water flow control
Not turning on water pump regularly
Not enough water in rooftop/overhead tank

Turning off water pump before rooftop tank is filled


Insect Inside
Bringing insects to toilet, kitchen, and bedroom

Using insects to create fear



Activity of maid servant/cleaning workers

Shouting and making noise outside my door

Creating obstacles on my way of movement



Lack of security
Outside gate remains open
Unauthorized access is not prohibited

Anyone can come and pull me up anytime



Air Conditioner control
Creating Air Conditioner malfunction
Remotely controlling Air Conditioner thermostat

Remotely turning off compressor



Washing machine control
Creating washing machine malfunction
Remotely controlling washing machine microcomputer
Remotely controlling spinning of motor, front display, draining system



The TV factor

Turn on the TV when I'm in toilet or take lunch/dinner

Increasing TV volume

Watching channels/programs that are broadcasting humiliating ad, news, song, drama etc.



Talking to mobile phone with speaker on
Start a mobile phone conversation when I'm in toilet or taking lunch/dinner

Speaking loudly
Activating speakerphone
Continuing conversations that are false and humiliating



Microwave oven problem
Creating microwave oven malfunction
Remotely controlling microwave generator (magnetron)

Remotely turning off magnetron



Cleaning of clothing
Not cleaning my used clothing regularly

Creating drying problem
Creating shortage of detergent



Electricity control
Turning off electricity whenever I do something important

Turning off electricity for long time
Turning off electricity for entire night (In extreme hot weather)

Turning off electricity to create panic, distraction and disruption



Generator control
Creating backup electricity generator malfunction

Turning off generator during operation
Creating voltage up/down problem



Water purifier problem
Creating water purifier malfunction
Remotely controlling flow of water from upper part to lower part

Putting dirt/dust in the upper ‘Micro Fibre Mesh’ to block water



Hawkers shouting from outside
Hawkers loudly shouting from outside to create disruption
Intentionally shouting to sell products which are humiliating
Shouting loudly outside my window in a ugly way that creates mental pressure

Continuing shouting from dawn to dusk



Kids playing and shouting outside my window
Every evening kids play and shout outside my window to create disruption

Sometimes they appear at morning or noon too depending on what I'm doing

Continuously shouting loudly while they play
Intentionally shouting and saying something that are false and humiliating



Do it by Dogs
Bringing dogs outside my window when I go to sleep at night

Brutally hurting the Dog so it makes crying/screaming sounds

Continuing bringing Dogs whenever I woke up at night



Making sounds from below floor
Making sounds from below floor to create panic and disruption

Making intense sounds by hammer, drilling machine, ceiling fan etc.

Making sounds when I go to sleep at night
Making sounds when I'm in toilet/bathroom


Making sounds from outside loudspeakers
Making fake announcement from outside loudspeakers
Loudly playing disturbing/humiliating songs from outside loudspeakers

Using loudspeakers to interrupt sleep at night


Shouting and making sounds from houses near me
Loudly shouting and saying something that are false and humiliating

Using pressure cooker to make disturbing sounds
Making nasty sounds from their toilet when I go to sleep at night


Train sound from nearby station
Loudly making sounds by train horns from nearby station
Repeatedly using train horns to creat disturbing sound at day and night


Buses and trucks from nearby road
Loudly making sounds by their horns from nearby road at day and night

Interrupting sleep at night
Using buses to block my way when I go outside



Qubee- The WiMAX internet service provider
Creating very low internet speed that creates frustration

Creating internet speed not even suitable for playing small Twitter or YouTube videos

Creating connection problem
Blocking various sites to prevent access


The misery of local internet access
Turning off Internet access whenever I turn on iPad or PC
Turning off internet access whenever I want to do something important

Turning off internet access for long time
Creating router malfunction



Chinese (X group) restaurant fact

Creating parking problems

Unsatisfactory staff/waiter behavior

Creating long wait time
Serving low quality food
Access to various people that creates security concerns



Agora- The superstore super tricks
Intentionally removing products which I buy regularly

Storing products that are of low quality and humiliating

Access to various people who are disturbing and humiliating


Blocking freedom of movement
No car available to go outside
Driver not answering phone
Making false story of driver’s sickness
Unable to go outside to buy essential products




The incident at 2010

At 2010, when I wanted to know the truth, I wanted to know how everyone can see what was happening inside my room, how can everyone see what I'm doing. But they didn't want to let me know the truth. They lied and said they didn't know. They also told me that it was my illusion. In order to prevent me from knowing further truth they sent me to the ‘Life and Light Hospital’ and falsely accused me that I had a mental illness called ‘Schizophrenia’.

On the way to Life and Light hospital

June 2010, It was an usual day. I was in the toilet at morning. When I got outside, suddenly 10/11 people blocked my way. They said I had to go with them to a hospital for some checkups and they will return me to home after that. It was all lie. I refused to go with them and told them that I'll call the police. They said that there is no scope to call the police. After that they tied my hands and legs, almost took my clothes off, took my glasses and took me to the microbus outside by force. I was afraid and shouting to save my life. But nobody near me came to save me.

Inside the Life and Light hospital

In the microbus they put clothes inside my mouth so I could not shout. They were smiling and humiliating me. They also turned off the air conditioner.

It was very dirty inside the hospital. The staffs were very rude and misbehaving. Other patients came in and badly humiliating me.The toilet was very dirty. There was no lock at the toilet door. The quality of food was very bad and the quantity was insufficient. There was no communication to the outside world. No mobile phone or computers were allowed. Nobody was allowed to see me. There were three doors to the outside which were always locked. Nobody can get in or out the hospital. I had to stay there for 21 long days.

During the stay I had to take 7/8 medicines each time at morning, noon and night. It was compulsory and if I refused to take the medicines they would do that by force. After taking such a high number of medicines at a high dose I felt very weak.

Work efficiency was greatly reduced. I could not think clearly for long time. I lost interest on almost anything. Sexual ability was also greatly reduced. It was not me anymore. They were successfully able to turn off the light.

After returning from the hospital

After returning from the hospital I still had to continue a long list of medicines at a very high dose. I had to take medicines in front of my guardians. Work efficiency was almost zero. I couldn't move fast enough. I couldn't concentrate on anything for long enough. Critical thinking ability was completely lost. I couldn't remember past events or past decisions. I couldn't remember the truth.



The incident at 2011

At 2011, I wasn't fully recovered from the events of 2010. Work efficiency was still very low. Both physical and mental strength was at a minimum state. But slowly I could remember the truth. I could understand the unjust that was happened to me. This time I didn't ask my guardians anything, knowing that they will lie. But from my activity they could understand that I knew the truth. So in order to prevent me from knowing further truth they sent me to the ‘Life and Light Hospital’ again.

July 2011, I was in the toilet at morning. When I got out suddenly 10/11 people attacked me from both front and back. This time they didn't say anything. I could realize that they were taking me to the hospital. They tied my hands and legs and took me to the microbus outside by force. I was shouting to save my life but as usual nobody near me came to save me.

In the hospital they gave me a very dirty room. The bed was also very dirty. The condition of toilet was very bad. The staffs misbehaved frequently. They also mentally tortured me by other patients. There was no communication to the outside world. No mobile phone, Facebook or Twitter. I was on my own. This time I had to stay there for 30 long days.

They didn't want to inform me the name of the medicines they were giving to me. All the medicines came opened from their strips/pack. After taking their medicines both physical and mental strength reduced to almost zero. I couldn't remember

past events or past decisions. I couldn't remember the truth. They told me that it was my illusion. No one saw what was happening inside my room. No one could see what I'm doing. I had a mental illness called ‘Schizophrenia’. So it was all my illusion. I believed all their lies.

No progress was possible without knowing the truth. My life came at a standstill. Darkness surrounds me as I spent my days in false believes.



The Incident at 2014

It took both 2012 and 2013 to recover from the events of 2011. Physical and mental strength was regaining slowly. Critical thinking ability returned to a stable state. Slowly I could remember past events or past decisions. I could remember the truth. I could understand all their lies. I could understand that they will sent me to the hospital again as I knew the truth. My fear came true and they sent me to the ‘Life and Light Hospital’ for the third time.

I've previously mentioned about how they took me to the hospital and what happened inside the hospital. So I'm not repeating that here.

After returning from the hospital they staged a new drama. In order to make their lies true and to hide their criminal activities they took me to Singapore for my so called ‘Schizophrenia’ treatment. It was a short visit. I stayed there for four days. It was easy for them to stage their drama as I couldn't remember the truth. They told me that it was all my illusion and I had to take medicines for the rest of my life. There was no way for me to know the truth.




This document describes key points of various tortures done to me till now. However it does not explain the magnitude and diverse nature of tortures happened to me till now. On Twitter I said in 140 characters that “I can't explain in words the way they have tortured me till now. Anyone else would die by now.” It is a miracle that I'm still alive. Crime and lies does not pay. The light of truth will find its way
