Different Dimensions in After Life or Parallel Universe.

There are 4 dimensions in parallel universe. After you die you can go to any dimension depending on your spirit type and authorization level assigned on main system.



First Dimension:

First dimension is the living world where we exist as a living human being. Planet earth and our known space consists of this dimension.



Second Dimension:

After you die you appear immediately in your spirit self which is located in the second dimension or dead world of the parallel universe. After death human spirit gets detached from the living body which exist in first dimension and gets its freedom in the second dimension of the parallel universe.

Human spirit generally needs 3 months habituation time in second dimension or dead world when they most likely to roam around freely in empty space, keep themselves in isolation, cry in grief that what we have done when we were alive, remains very depressed etc. After 3 months they slowly gets more social and move to gathering like second dimension heaven called CoreBase.

CoreBase has a main system. The main system is a optical super computing mainframe type nano computer which controls time traveling and hyperdrive technology in parallel universe. Every spirit in all dimensions must be connected to one or more main system to function properly. Future machine component is also built into the main system which any spirit can access.

CoreBase is operated by the King of CoreBase and my mother Goddess Sinthiya and David.



Third Dimension:

The third dimension is the gaseous dimension where spirits exists who are in gaseous form. They are mainly Sun’s leaders and inhabitants who exists in gaseous form. You can go from second dimension to third dimension by converting your spirit to gaseous form factor depending on your spirit type and

authorization level on main system. As you can understand third dimension is extremely hot and exist in the Sun. Our hard working signaling team also operates from there.



Fourth Dimension:

Fourth dimension exist in the Sun itself but its temperature is very cold. Sophisticated dimensional barrier is used so only a small amount of heat gets from the first dimension of Sun into fourth dimension. Weather remains pleasant and all our heavens ( Jannat ) also exist here.

Honorable Jesus also exist in 4th dimension.
He has a television service now where subscribers can view any tv channels of the living world plus lot of popular channels from parallel universe.



The Real World:

The Real World or after life’s living world is a very advanced and sophisticated place where you can stay as a living creation again after you die down. In Real World you can either stay as a spirit or as a person with living body. It is also located in the 4th dimension. There are buildings and cities there and you can engage yourself with meaningful scientific research if you want. There is a central facility called Master Control room in Real World which was operated by the supreme leader and his wife Avalon. You can control many things of all dimensions using this master control. After supreme leader or creator departs now military and Avalon mainly operate this master control room.

I have another mother named Lisa who live in an alien planet located on the outer space of the real world with my father Lauren. They are the leaders of the alien planet.
