KB Special - Afterlife or Dead World And Parallel Universe.


About Afterlife:

So what happens after we die?

Human spirit that resides in the parallel world get detached from living body. Without spirit human body can’t be alive in the living world. So it becomes lifeless or dead. We appear in our spirit self and spirit get the freedom in the dead world and parallel universe. There our existence becomes endless.



Structure of Human Spirit:

Human spirit mostly consists of glass material and light carrying conductor like optical fiber. There could be trillions or more light carrying channels only in human spirit heart. There are gigantic optical storage which hold our memory. The brain of the spirit is like a optical super computer which consists of optical processing unit. The power source is either compact nuclear or solar depending on spirit type.



What Human Spirit Consume or Eat:

Human spirit mainly eat liquid type of food like water, honey, fruit juice and milk. All of these items available naturally or free of cost in the parallel world. There exists pond of juice, river of honey and sea of milk which is available naturally and without any cost. You can drink as much as you want without worrying about money or etc. However there is a currency also available which you can use to buy items from shops ( like drugs) and for various purposes like research costs etc.

Human spirit can also do sex in the parallel world and can create spirit children.



About Heavens And Religion:

So where we are going after we die down? Are we going to make it to the heaven?

What about many religions that are available in the living world?

All of the main religions that exist in the living world also exist in the dead world or parallel universe. So heaven also exist. The Christian, The Muslims, The Buddhists and The Hindus all have their heaven or Jannat exist in the 4th dimension of Sun itself. They are separated by boundary and don’t interfere with each other and have no conflict.

After dead Christian can go to heaven or Muslims can go to jannat if they want, provided that they haven’t committed any serious crime in the living world.

Interesting factor is that besides heavens there are many other places where you can stay in this vast and limitless parallel universe. So you don’t have to be a very religious person in the living world. No one is going to put you in hell after you die. You can choose where you want to stay in the parallel universe. We get our ultimate freedom there.



Environment of the parallel world:

So what it’s looks like in the dead world or parallel universe. You can get some identical visuals from “Linkin Park - In The End” official video. Chester recreated some part of it using computer animation.
There you can see that a big fish flying in the sky and flowers or plants suddenly growing from anywhere. Parallel universe looks somewhat like that.

A very peaceful, purified and clean environment where you can rest your soul, find peace and happiness in your spiritual self and engage in meaningful work like research or creation if you want.



Technology available in the parallel universe:

Afterlife world or parallel universe is very advanced compared to living world. Technology such as time traveling or hyperdrive naturally available there and can be used by any spirit.

Using time manipulation or time traveling technique built into main system one can travel through time to both past and future. Future machine component can predict future aspects and events.

Hyperdrive is a technology where anyone can go to anywhere in a matter of seconds. Any spirit can travel infinite distance using it and can go anywhere in very short time.

There are many other advanced science and technology available in the parallel world which is not yet available in living wold.

Allowed portions published.
