KB 2021.8


Watch “Marcella” On Netflix:




Watch “she’s out of my league” on Netflix:




Watch official trailer of “she’s out of my league” on iTunes:



For 7:10

i will never leave you. you don't have to worry. i'll always be by your side no matter what happens in the coming time. no one but only you can do it. just believe in yourself and follow me and listen to your heart.




There is no 47 men superior than me and there is no 27 women superior than me. So be careful about what you say and do. I don’t care about these junglies. They will not get anything. The sin and crime that 47 men have committed by wasting, corrupting and destroying my love and protected resource 7 : 10 will cause them to pay by the price of their life.




Info about Corona Component:

The Corona component was created for only one and one purpose and that is for the extinction of human race from this planet. It is not possible by the human being to control it by vaccines or mask. It is directly controlled by nature or our creator. It is designed in such a way that the capped limit of current generation of human brain can’t solve it.

Corona component has it’s own stages of evolution. It will change its pattern from time to time and becoming more deadly. Implementation will be done in a gradual way and everyone advised not to panic.



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Smithsonian Animals



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