KB 2021.7


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Google News

AP News
Fox News

Apple News




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Encyclopedia Britannica




Fedora CoreOS Documentation





Checkout my website for latest articles and information:





Recommended Brain Food for enhancing IQ and EQ:

Chicken Wings (Max 4 pcs / day)





When I say 27, I mean 27. There will be no 24,25,26,28,29.
This Is the justice & this Is my promise and the world will see this. 7
:44 PM - 8/5/14 - Twitter Web Client





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Updates on Intel’s Next-Gen Data Center Platform, Sapphire Rapids

Rich platform enhancements and built-in acceleration engines will address most demanding workloads from cloud to the edge.

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Deprecation of Male (Men) gender of human species has been decided by our creator or nature.
Only Female (Women) gender will exist and different reproduction method will be introduced.



The Male (Men) gender of human species will be deprecated.
Only Female (Women) gender will exist and different (new) reproduction method will be introduced.




The paramount climb of current generation of human race has reached its maximum point and the golden era is over now.


End of KB.
