KB 2021.6


Playlist Link:


Karen Maria Orsted

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0bgYW0CQGrmsi1nN8h7k1w?si=a3e95efbd1c04528

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/karen-maria-orsted/pl.u- lV6FjLxNk5g

Introducing MØ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTxT14HFaME




No.10 and Co-Op group termination:

From our past experiences and observations, we can clearly see that No.10 has failed to maintain sufficient control over the activities of Co-Op group.

We are proposing to allocate transmission responsibilities from Co-Op group to an independent international committee led by the United Nations.

Thus terminating Co-Op group and cease all their equipment. Also removal of all their control mechanisms from electronic devices located at the end point. They were also responsible for limiting or turning off water supply system in the end point. Torturing me internally like hurting my wounded hand was their latest criminal activity.

We are proposing an investigation into the fraudulent activities of the Co-Op group that includes but not limited to financial irregularities and corruption. Illegal handling of foreign funds or assets for their business development. All of the businesses or companies run by Co-Op group across the country should be closed as soon as possible.

A detail explanation and method of Co-Op group's torture on me is part of another document called "Truth Report-10” which is available on my website at (www.ishraq27.com).





About 9: A wind of change

From our experiences, observations and data collected indicates that all of the 9 currently deployed in the system should be replaced by experienced and qualified doctors selected by (World Health Organization) WHO of the United Nations. This includes 49,59,69,79 and so on.

All of them engaged in various ways to torture me, blocking voice of the soul of the world such as music listening. They are afraid of truth, non- cooperative, forceful, abusive and destructive. Personal life of some of them are not stable and they are also not mentally fit for the job. So We are proposing a complete replacement of entire 9 currently deployed in the system.





Freedom of Communication:

At present, I’m totally isolated from 37 communication circles. I’ve zero followers on Twitter, no one can add me as a friend on Facebook, personal email sent from different parts of the world never reaches my inbox. In fact I don’t get any meaningful or useful personal communication info through internet. No progress is possible until this conditions are changed. So we are proposing unrestricted 37 communication access and removal of confidentiality law/treaty.




Never call me human again after all the torture (open crime) you have done to me collectively and remember that you will get the appropriate result collectively.




Govt info:

Tangible resources are limited but Intellectual Properties (IP) are unlimited. Let us create IP, protect IP and enrich economy.




Govt info:

Tothyo jana o pawa apnar moulik odhikar. Tothyo Odhikar Ain anusharey sarkari o besarkari songstha tothyo prodane badhyo. Aro jante dekhun:




Govt info:

Computer o cyber oporadh protirodhe shohaoyta o poramorsher jonno email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. e jogajog korun-

Bangladesh Computer Security Incident Response Team





Never call me human again after all the torture (open crime) you have done to me collectively and remember that you will get the appropriate result collectively.
:27 pm · 9 Nov 2020




Communication Freedom

37 access or nothing.



Not a Bangladeshi

27 or 287
7:12 am · 18 Apr 2021



There is no safe heaven for criminals as long as I’m dead or alive.



Those who are afraid of music Those who are afraid of truth
They are the one who are corrupted And they will be defeated.
:37 pm · 18 Nov 2020



To understand your future, just remember what you have done to me so far. 4:37 am · 16 Mar 2021



I’m not coming. I’ll stay remaining time of my life here. 7:10 pm · 11 Mar 2021




The Decision :

All 35 and 36 communication will be deleted. We will only consider & respond to 37 communication. This is the final decision and it will remain like this forever.
:47 am · 23 Jan 2020



No matter how hard you try,
No matter how long you try,
But there will never be another 25 or 26.
The mentality of 47 (specially men) needs to change or they have to face the consequences for their inability to act properly.
:37 am · 25 Feb 2020




It was a celebration of torture...
Now it will be a celebration of deletion...
Always remember that criminals don’t win in the end. No peace with evil.
:47 pm · 11 Jan 2021



Those who commit crime and those who support it both are equally guilty and they have to face the consequences for their deeds.
:00 am · 4 Jan 2021



If you think you have nothing to do to stop the madness that is going on here, then you are getting it wrong.
They will not get anything but it is ultimately you who will pay the price for their deeds.

7:00 pm · 27 Dec 2020




:37 am · 13 Sep 2020



You have wasted your time and you are wasting your time now.... 8:14 am · 8 Nov 2020




Freedom for All
Truth and Anti-Corruption

Justice and Punishment

Keeping Promises
Beauty and Innocence

Moral and Ethics
:49 am · 1 Nov 2020




About 9 :

Their performance was really disappointing. All the time they were busy on how to keep me down, how to keep me away from my goal, obstruct my activity and foil my mission. They also promised many things but never really delivered.

They are basically torturing me in various ways and continuously violating my human rights. In short, they are not treating me as a human being.

I strongly believe that some of them are misusing their power and their access to the system should be revoked. Revoking access is specially required for 59 and 69. This could also save me from serious harm and health hazards.

One example is that they don’t like my music listening activity because it speak the truth and they are afraid of truth. So they targeted my ears and tortured it heavily so it hampers my music listening activity.

There are many examples like this.

Another torture method of 9 to obstruct my music listening is to run the “assisted sleep routine” when I’m listening to music. Their unlimited misuse of this feature could cause an accident soon. I barely get a chance to listen to music properly nowadays.

It’s a shame for the world community that they have failed to stop 9 from torturing me in a savage way. It’s really unfortunate that some of them also supported them for their brutal acts. Although none of them was able to get anything done by doing this except that sometimes I wonder whether we are living in a civilized world where this type of open crime is allowed without any objection.

It clearly represent the current situation of human kind.

If torturing me in various ways give some sick people pleasure then this sick entertainment show needs to stop.

We are not living in a “Gladiator” era. The properties which separates human being from animal needs to be respected. Otherwise nature will not respect our existence.

(Revised & Updated)





Probable Solution:

3 : 10

3 : 49

2 : 47

This solution ensures freedom for everyone.
Uphold truth, prevail justice, while keeping the promise and maintaining moral and ethics.

Awaiting punishment for criminal activities: 41 ( Orange )
59 and 69




AMD Advantage Gaming Laptops.


End of KB
