KB 2021.5


Our proposals for a more efficient and just administrative and transmission system.

No.10 and Co-Op group:

From our past experiences and observations, we can clearly see that No.10 has failed to maintain sufficient control over the activities of Co-Op group.

We are proposing to allocate transmission responsibilities from Co-Op group to an independent international committee led by United Nations.

Thus terminating Co-Op group and cease all their equipment. Also removal of all their control mechanisms from electronic devices located at the end point. They were also responsible for limiting or turning off water supply system in the end point. Torturing me internally like hurting my wounded hand was their latest criminal activity.

We are proposing an investigation into the fraudulent activities of the Co-Op group that includes but not limited to financial irregularities and corruption. Illegal handling of foreign funds or assets for their business development. All of the businesses or companies run by Co-Op group across the country should be closed as soon as possible.





About 9: A wind of change

From our experiences, observations and data collected indicates that all of

the 9 currently deployed in the system should be replaced by experienced and qualified doctors selected by (World Health Organization) WHO of the United Nations. This includes 49,59,69,79 and so on.

All of them engaged in various ways to torture me, blocking voice of the soul of the world such as music listening. They are afraid of truth, non- cooperative, forceful, abusive and destructive. Personal life of some of them are not stable and they are also not mentally fit for the job. So We are proposing a complete replacement of entire 9 currently deployed in the system.





Freedom of Communication:

At present, I’m totally isolated from 37 communication circles. I’ve zero followers on Twitter, no one can add me as a friend on Facebook, personal email sent from different parts of the world never reaches my inbox. In fact I don’t get any meaningful or useful personal communication info through internet. No progress is possible until this conditions are changed. So we are proposing unrestricted 37 communication access and removal of confidentiality law/treaty.



O Holy Night.... O Holy Child....





Designing a thermal solution without compromising processing capability and performance.

We know from our past experiences that the structure and functioning of my brain is somewhat different than that of other peoples. The difference lies in atomic structure and molecular level. The original structure was capable of faster processing and performance but at the same time generating extra heat than regular human brain. The challenge was to maintain operational temperature without damaging internal communication architecture. Higher ambient temperature of my location also did not help much to achieve this goal. If I was situated in a colder country then it would have been a different story.

Anyway After realizing this main problem No.10 decided to implement a thermal solution by modifying the brain’s physical structure. How they implemented it and what was their ethical stand is not part of this knowledge base.

Changing a brain’s physical structure was risky and there was many performance related problems associated with it. It was an experimental science that was never tried before and many thought that I would be half dead or living dead after its implementation. Anyway after fully knowing the consequences of their plan no.10 decided to go on with it without considering any alternate option such as changing my location to a cold country or finding a solution based on love rather than science.

Although their implemented thermal solution was somewhat effective in reducing heat generation but it also had many adverse side effect. The main drawback was significant reduction (almost 70%) of processing capability and performance. Increased age of the brain resulted in reduced motor functions and physical limitations. Details explanation of after effect was part of another document called “Truth Report” which is available on my website.

Their 4 times implementation of this process resulted in a very old age brain with very low processing power and speed which was not even suitable for basic everyday life related work such as cleaning, taking a bath or going to toilet. Interesting factor is that they destroyed their own assets and greatly

reduced its lifetime by their own hand. The results of their act for themselves or for mine are not part of this knowledge base.

Anyway as the time passes I was able to recover by the grace of god once again. Instead of physical modification of the brain, our creator or nature worked internally deep inside the atomic structure and molecular levels to dramatically increase processing capability while at the same time generating significantly lower heat levels.

The performance increase is greatly unexpected and much higher than a regular human brain. Intellectual processing, critical thinking, IQ and EQ capability, perception, inference, extra-sensory capability are few of the items that have gained a major acceleration.

However due to the over-aged brain conditions physical limitations still exist. The brain also consumes higher amounts of energy than regular brain.





Future Aspects:

Current state of my brain is an example of upgraded human brain architecture for next generation with faster processing and performance capability while reducing heat generation from core levels. The stress test has been passed by developing this brain in a hot country with high temperature. So it will work everywhere in the world.

The brain of the “Children-Dream Version” will follow same development model without the limitations of over-aged conditions.

As a result the processing and performance power and speed of their brain will be infinitely higher than what we see in regular human brain today. Their physical agility, physical strength, motor function and physical appearance will be stunning and highly attractive. With this much power they will be able to control the core of nature and all its subsystem. They will be able to

communicate directly with our creators (or god!) and perform marvel whether its art or its science & technology. Traveling at light speed, time travel or manipulation, exploring deep space planets and establishing human habitats there, replacing semiconductor or silicon based materials with bio- electronic elements to produce devices that are alive just like living creatures are some of the examples of their advances in science and technology. The endless possibilities start with them.

*If you can’t believe this then please ignore it. It is written for future records and assists future generation in their endeavors.

**Allowed portion published. All part of this knowledge base can not be published.



There is no safe heaven for criminals as long as I’m dead or alive.

N > Watch > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klIF0nhsxxM


Communication Freedom

37 access or nothing.


Not a Bangladeshi

27 or 287


End of KB
