KB 2021.4


Sun Within


Actual age > 40 years
Total increase
> 3*10=30 years
Feeling age
> 40+30=70 years

Estimated system end time > May,2021



When Women > Product
When Women
> Not Loved But Sold And Used
I don’t want to be like one of them
> Walking around without a soul

So it’s my time to say > Goodbye.



Combined Decision > Extinction of human lifeforms and planet earth is currently on track.




The relationship between genetic/genome code and collected data stored in our brain.

Collected data stored in our brain includes Life experiences, gathered knowledge, situation handling, observation, interaction with others, intuition capability, emotional experiences, IQ capability and so on...

We know that genetic codes stored in our DNA is a very big dataset. There is trillions or even more lines of code and analyzing and understanding it could be very time consuming (years and years of work) and complex process for us. Let alone modifying or improving it. But nature (or our creator!) does it continuously and effortlessly for us and all of the living creatures of the earth. It seems to me that they have limitless processing capability which is beyond our imagination.

Anyway my point is that this gigantic set of data found in genetic codes is influenced by the datasets stored in our brain. It is not pre-defined and static. Instead this data sets stored in genetic codes dynamically changes as the amount of data stored in our brain changes.

One practical example of this process is that we often see that younger children from same parents is far more intelligent and efficient than their older brother or sister. It is because the time elapsed between their birth has changed the data stored in their parents brain which also dynamically changes genetic codes in their DNA. Although there are some exceptions and changes may not be so prominent in some cases.

If you throughly observed or analyzed my entire life then you may be wondering how I have survived in my life or how is it possible that I’m still alive? Well the answer is quite complex and I think that by the grace of God I have passed through all of them.

I believe that in order to create “Children-Dream Version” I had to pass through all of the test selected by the nature or our creator. In every case I had to take an “ideal position” determined by them against others and then they observed both mine and others action and reaction. From its result they

determine possible improvement or modification for that specific case. So to create a perfect dataset for “Children-Dream Version” I had to go through millions of cases or challenges in my entire life.

It was never a matter of unity for me like others. But actually quite opposite. Identifying the drawback or design issues or limitations that human being collectively make was my main job. This is how nature does evolution.

It took 40 years for me to create a complete datasets for Children-Dream Version. If its lost then there may not be enough time for another process to complete and extinction of human race could be unavoidable.

So what is the determination of this comprehensive and life long testing process? The answer isn’t quite simple. Besides trillions of improvement, enhancement and modification applied to “Children-Dream Version” our creator also want to determine the future course for human race.



The Evaluation of True Love:

I was a symbol of true love for many people in the world. During my lifetime I had several loved ones and some of them were so perfectly matched with me that many believed we will remain together till the end of our life. But that was not the case. All of them left my life after a certain stage of our relationship. Greed, financial reason, the desire for more, being afraid of the light in my soul made them disappear from my life before they reached final stage of the relationship. So none of them actually know what it is like to hold me close.

The determination of nature or our creator is that all of the test performed for the evaluation of true love failed. In reality true love is unsuccessful when we judge other factors such as wealth, power, hunger for sex and so on.

Another determination is that when sex exist without true love or any love at all, it destroys our soul. Current trend of relationship or marriage which is based on greed, money, power, physical attraction is harmful for human race. Children born from this process also creating problems as they are not emotionally compatible with their parents resulting separation when children growing personality after 9 or 10 years.

All animals do sex in this planet. But none of them engage in criminal,

corruption and evil activities like humans do just for sex. From murder to stealing others partner there is almost no criminal or evil activities in this world which is not directly or indirectly associated with our desire for sex.


The Result:

After the failure of the evaluation of true love and observing current sexual condition of human race, our creator or nature decided to limit human race to unisex species or extinct human race altogether.

The initiated extinction process not only depends on Corona crisis. But there are several other natural and man-made disaster can occur for this process to complete. Only “Children-Dream Version’’ will survive this extinction process. There will be no male survivor in the world.

Reproduction process will continue by replicating “Children-Dream Version” based on advanced scientific knowledge and Clone Genetic Model. Result will be that all women will look and feel same. They will also think alike.

A world full of beautiful and extremely intelligent women.
No crime. No war, No fighting with each other. We, the Men will only exist in photos and videos as a history.

*If you can’t believe this then please ignore it. It is written here for records. **Advanced Simulation Probability Model used in some cases to determine outcome.
***Portions contains confidential work and cannot be published.



OpenLab Morning Vol.1


Received Instruction > Protect women’s interest, not thief’s interest. Even if some women can’t understand it, continue your job till end.


Usually thieves rent women to satisfy their hunger for sex. Now they are renting women to humiliate me.
At least I’ve made them to pause sexually abusing women.



The Weather Subsystem:

Changes in weather subsystem includes but not limited to sunshine or cloudy environment, rain or dry environment, cold or hot environment, snow or no snow and so on....

Our observation and experience suggests that changes in weather subsystem is influenced by the Mass Public Realization Factor of the adjacent area.

> When Mass Public Realization Factor of an area increases then weather subsystem of that particular area changes from extreme condition to tolerable or comfortable environment.

> When Mass Public Realization Factor of an area decreases due to

deceptive measures or some anomaly then weather subsystem of that particular area changes from tolerable to extreme/intolerable condition.

> When Mass Public Realization Factor of an area remains unchanged for a long time after reaching a certain level or when the Mass Public Realization Factor is capped due to limitations in human brain applied by nature (or our creator) to protect their secrets then weather subsystem of that particular area could remain extreme and intolerable for a very long time.

Weather subsystem operates globally. It collects data from trillions or even more sources (or human minds) in every milliseconds from entire world to determine Mass Public Realization Factor of billions of areas of the world and apply relevant weather condition for each of the area based on the above rules. All process done simultaneously and in real time.


Future Aspects:

So we can see that it is us, the humans who are mainly responsible for the weather condition of our respective areas.

In the future “Children-Dream Version” will be able to maintain a direct link to the core of nature and control the weather subsystem.

When all of them thinks that it should be raining in their adjacent area then it will rain there. When all of them thinks that the weather should be cooler then the temperature will decrease. Remember that “Children-Dream Version” will look and think alike. So it should not be a problem for them to think collectively.

*Part of a much larger knowledge base.
**Allowed portion published. All elements can not be published.


Communication Freedom

37 access or nothing.

Not a Bangladeshi

27 or 287


End of KB
